Where's the Change?
by Richard Reynolds M.Div.,M.Ed.,Ed.S.
Year's ago Wendy's had one of the most famous advertisement lines of all times, "Where's the beef?" Currently, as we approach the innaugaration of President elect Obama the line should be, "Where's the change?" His mantra was "Change" throughout his presidential campaign. Yet already his actions are speaking louder than his chants about change. A large percentage of his cabinet and advisors are old guard political officials from the Clinton years or obvious payoffs for support during his election campaign. For example Leon Panetta has been selected for the CIA Chief when he is has as the media calls it ,"no intelligence experience." Yes, he was the Chief of Staff for President Clinton when Terrorism grew at ran unchecked. Obama tried to pay Gov. Richardson back for his support and turning his back on Hillary Clinton during the campaign by nominating him for the Secretary of Commerce. Now, he is resigning because of a possible corruption indictment in New Mexico. Obama also has mastered already the art of staying away from controversial subjects and being far away from hot potato subjects where he can not get burned. Even the left is complaining that he will not make a statement about the current crisis with Israel. While orating about Change during the campaign he pledged to make those hard decisions to bring hope back to America. If he is already doing this and he has not even gotten through the innaugaration will America be asking by this time next year, "Where's the change?" We should all hope for the sake of our country that Obama can succeed with his promises. For that to happen each citizen should hold him to basic truth in advertising standards of requiring him to produce what he has advertised about change. Keep asking ,"Where's the change?"

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