Through this blog ideas and information will be given that might be helpful for handling the many new paradigms that each of us are faced with daily...
An old saying is ,"...knowledge is power!" How does one obtain that knowledge? This knowledge is not obtained through a diploma or degree. It is not obtained at a final time and place. Knowledge itself has a new paradigm that many have not absorbed as part of their life's mission and purpose. Knowledge now has changed from a high school diploma, advanced degree or technical degree. The theory that "knowlege is power" is true only if one is a "life long learner." What is a life long learner? It is setting about to live life with the strategy of learning a little every day, every week and every month of life striving to never rely solely on what one has learned in the past. This comes with the understanding that knowledge is never stagnant and therefore one can not stand still with this abstract concept of knowledge or he or she will be left behind as the world continues to progress and change.
Below is one example of an easy way to be a life long learner. You can click on the links below and sign up for a "Daily PowerWord". Unless one creates a process for gaining knowledge like one might for paying bills then a few months will go by before you realize you have not kept up with your goal to be a life long learner. I get no financial compensation for this recommendation....Think about if not this way,what will be your specific plan to be a life long learner?
Daily PowerWord
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Graphical version: <http://www.success.bz/newsletters/16466>
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Turpitude (TUR-pi-tood, -tyood) n. - inherent vile act; depravity
Example: A moral turpitude is a criminal behaviour that gravely infringes on the moral sentimentsof the community.
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Turpitude (TUR-pi-tood, -tyood) n. - inherent vile act; depravity
Example: A moral turpitude is a criminal behaviour that gravely infringes on the moral sentimentsof the community.
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