Many may question why we need new paradigms when the old ones have been o.k. in the past. The first question we must ask is ,"Have they really been o.k.?" Secondly, we must remind ourself of the definition of insanity. Insanity is doing the same thing day after day and expecting different results. Currently we are in a time where every day it seems that another piece of bad news is hitting our country. Yesterday ALCOA announced that they will be laying off over 13,000 employees in the coming months. Yet with every chance our leadership in Congress continues to take every chance to take a "jab" at the other party. Pelosi continually states that she wants to be bipartisan and to put the needs of the country first yet every action state an opposite message. In her speech before the "bailout" votes she created a firestorm of controversy. Now with the start of this congress she continues to forget what the new paradigm of leadership must be if our country is to pull itself out of the economic recession/depression that we are in currently. Notice her words that are highlighted below from January 5. Notice her cutting remarks when she stated, "...and now we have a President that wants to work with us to that end." If our Political Leaders will not shift into a new paradigm of putting the needs of our country first and stopping the "Bobby Knight/George Patton style of leadership" then we must as citizens exercise the power of the pen and the polls. First writing our officials to let them know of our desires for a shift in leadership paradigms. Secondly writing the media to take stands on critical issues such as our leadership having petty political squables while families in our country do without food, are losing their homes, companies go bankrupt and our national debt grows into numerical amounts that we never learned in our schooling. Thirdly, if our leaders such as Pelosi, Reid, Franks and others can not shift into the new paradigm of "country first" understanding that we have a national emergency as much now as in the days after Sept.11 then people from all political persuasions need to go to the polls who will be willing to shift into a new paradigm.Richard Reynolds M.Div,M.Ed.,Ed.S.Pelosi Remarks
Following Bipartisan
Leadership Meeting With
Obama, Biden
Monday, January 5, 2009
Contact:Brendan Daly/Nadeam Elshami, 202-226-7616, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Democratic House and Senate leaders held a press conference today following their bipartisan meeting with President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden.
Below are the Speaker’s opening remarks:
“Thank you, Mr. Leader. It is a new day here on the Capitol.
The President-elect came and called together a meeting of the bipartisan leadership, Democrats and Republicans of the House and Senate. He talked about extending a hand of friendship, to work with civility, with fiscal responsibility, and with a sense of urgency, because the American people are hurting.
“People are concerned about losing their jobs, their savings, and their homes. Families are concerned about the health of their children. States are concerned about their financial situation, which affects the education and the health of their children, the well-being of seniors.
“And our country and our economy need an economic recovery package that will create jobs immediately and will grow the economy. And that's what we talked about today -- how we could do this expeditiously, deliberatively, and to act upon it soon.
“I won't make an announcement about how soon, but we all know what our tasks are. We'll return to our houses, and respective houses, to work on legislation.
“This legislation will begin in the House of Representatives. We know what the time constraints are. They are dictated by the sense of urgency that the American people have about their economic well-being.
“Lots of expectations have been placed on the new President.
As a new Congress, we look forward to working with him, again, in a bipartisan way to bring relief to the American people.
“I commend the President-elect for his determination to act in a bipartisan way. That's what we all came here to do. And now we have a President who wants to work with us to that end.”
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