NOTICE!!!! ...notice the different shifters?

As you travel through this blog you will see pictures of different "shifters".

Why? Different paradigms require different types of shifting or change to maneuver through them. A BMW will have a different type of gear shift than a Hemi-Dodge Pickup or a Shelby Mustang.

The different shifters are symbolic of the fact that a person must be willing to make different types of "shifts" or "changes" to make daily progress in ones life. One "shift" will not work in our ever changing world. Allow the pictures of the gear shifts to remind you of the need to be open to numerous ways of changing your paradigms that make up who you are as a person.

Monday, January 19, 2009

An example of action to influence paradigms

Below is a letter that I wrote to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President and Author Dr. Al Mohler. I wrote it as a way of seeking to get people that do have a platform in the media and writing as well as responsible for training our future leaders for swimming up stream against the "anything goes" and lack of critical thinking about what is happening in our world that is accompanying the changing of the guard with this new Administration...please read this and consider what you could do that might influence intelligent conservatism and not "gotcha" conservatism...below is the letter and consider what your thoughts are as we enter this time in our country...___________________________________________

Today on Glen Beck's new show on Fox he had Joel Olsteen. Yes I think his speaking and teaching is spiritual pablum and most times plagiarism passed off as original material. If you get the video you will see that one of the top religous individuals of our time if you consider ratings, size of church and dollars made through book sells had the intelligence and depth of Caroline Kennedy. He could not answer with any depth basic softball questions that Glenn Beck asked. My question is to you as a Seminary President are the current and future students of Southern able to think critically and analytically to the point of answering basic questions with depth and clarity? We have cried against critical exegesis yet I feel one of the things that it has led to is being afraid of critically understanding and depth of thought. It is what I feel has hurt conservatives is the lack of intelligent conservativism. Yes, you display that but are we producing leaders of tomorrow that can think with depth and clarity. Joel Olsteen had someone "in his corner" so if he could not answer with substantial depth Glenn Beck's questions how can his followers be challenged to know what they believe and why? This time in our history demands clarity of thought and individuals to be able to speak out not as one that is intentionally devisive but one that can speak with confidence and facts. One of his answers bordered on Universalism and different religions worshipping all the same God. Maybe Mr. Olsteen was nervous and we can give him the benefit of the doubt or maybe he is part of the product of our times where everyone and no one does anything wrong. If nothing is wrong why is one way better than another? Follow his thinking to a logical conclusion! Or are we afraid to think any more? Is it wrong to ask questions?I am afraid we are at a time much like the children's book "The Emperor's New Clothes". We all see the problems and know these new ideas for these times are suppose to be the best like the Emperor's New Clothes but no one is willing to say anything about them...what if no one speaks up like the child did in the story? Where will this leave us as a country and a world? Please use your platform to speak out on these issues...
Richard Reynolds M.Div.,M.Ed.,Ed.S.Southern Class of 1987

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