NOTICE!!!! ...notice the different shifters?

As you travel through this blog you will see pictures of different "shifters".

Why? Different paradigms require different types of shifting or change to maneuver through them. A BMW will have a different type of gear shift than a Hemi-Dodge Pickup or a Shelby Mustang.

The different shifters are symbolic of the fact that a person must be willing to make different types of "shifts" or "changes" to make daily progress in ones life. One "shift" will not work in our ever changing world. Allow the pictures of the gear shifts to remind you of the need to be open to numerous ways of changing your paradigms that make up who you are as a person.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

1 in 7 U.S. Adults Struggle with Reading

1 in 7 U.S. Adults Struggles with Reading Anything Beyond a Picture Book
A new study concludes that about 32 million adult Americans can't string together English sentences or paragraphs or read anything beyond a picture book. Undiagnosed learning disabilities and readers of other languages make up a portion of this statistic, but high school dropouts play a major factor in this startling number as well.
Struggling to read affects a person's ability to contribute to society, from participating in the democratic process to meeting basic needs. Dropout prevention should be a priority for every school district—or when the next report comes out, the title of this blog post may be, "1 in 5 U.S. Adults Cannot Read."

Are 32 million adults falling through the cracks of early literacy efforts, or do these efforts fail to carry into later grades? How surprised are you that one in seven Americans essentially cannot read English?

taken from:
ASCD is a professional Educators organization

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