There are paradigms in every sector of our society. Below is what I wrote in "sports speak" or the lingo of the sporting world to several people and publications.
As I look back on it I see that what we are dealing with is really "paradigms" and shifting to new ways of thinking. See what I am talking about in the words below. Can you spot the paradigms either referred to directly or indirectly in my writing?
Here is what I wrote...
Florida showed last night why the smack-talk of the Big Twelve was just that...talk! What happened to that 60plus point prolific offense that no one could stop? This shows why it was wrong to give the Oklahoma Quarterback the Heisman! Anyone could have put up the yards and points that he did this season if they were playing against "pop warner Big Twelve Defenses". I guess Stoops got stooped!
We need to be able to spot paradigms and see them in most cases as not being set in stone. Yes, murder being wrong is a paradigm that is consistent and should never change but the Big Twelve Quarterbacks being superior to the rest of the Quarterbacks in college football is an example of a paradigm that can change. We are in a day of shifting paradigms...we must be able to spot the things that are constant or unchangeable and those that we must be flexible on ....what do you think?
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