NOTICE!!!! ...notice the different shifters?

As you travel through this blog you will see pictures of different "shifters".

Why? Different paradigms require different types of shifting or change to maneuver through them. A BMW will have a different type of gear shift than a Hemi-Dodge Pickup or a Shelby Mustang.

The different shifters are symbolic of the fact that a person must be willing to make different types of "shifts" or "changes" to make daily progress in ones life. One "shift" will not work in our ever changing world. Allow the pictures of the gear shifts to remind you of the need to be open to numerous ways of changing your paradigms that make up who you are as a person.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A New Paradigm is needed in our Press...

Below is a segment of an article that was written by the Associated Press, "Obama Breaks from Bush avoids divisiveness". I did not agree with much that Bush did in his last months but how can this be journalism? It shows bias from the start. Is now the press just a marketing tool for the new administration? I want Obama's Presidency to work but if there is no objectivity in the Press how will we know the truth about what is happening in our country? How will we be any different than Russia or China with state run media? Has the Associated Press become the same thing as the National Enquirer now?

Below is a segment of the article that I have referred to ...

Obama breaks from Bush, avoids divisiveness
President focuses on economy, world image and cleaning up government

updated 2:29 a.m. CT, Sun., Jan. 25, 2009
WASHINGTON - Barack Obama opened his presidency by breaking sharply from George W. Bush's unpopular administration, but he mostly avoided divisive partisan and ideological stands. He focused instead on fixing the economy, repairing a battered world image and cleaning up government.

"What an opportunity we have to change this country," the Democrat told his senior staff after his inauguration. "The American people are really counting on us now. Let's make sure we take advantage of it."

In the highly scripted first days of his administration, Obama overturned a slew of Bush policies with great fanfare. He largely avoided cultural issues; the exception was reversing one abortion-related policy, a predictable move done in a very low-profile way.

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